This “Community Post” section is open to all CSSW students and parents to post your Advertisement for “Help Wanted” or “Selling Goods”.
Please e-mail your ad to [email protected]. You can post it either in Chinese or English or in both sections.
Please send only your final contents to CSSWNY in Microsoft Word, we do not accept revised ad, when the ad has been posted online.
Please contact [email protected] for current advertising rates.
Thank You for supporting CSSW.
patient experience. Central to our approach is an emphasis on a strong clinician-patient therapeutic relationship
focused on effective treatment. We also believe in making the access to treatment reliable and affordable.
Have you eaten? 吃过了吗 Chīguòle ma (Fall Box Flyer_2021)
Pediatric Dentistry
Rye Smiles Pediatric Dentistry
Our goal is to create a warm and friendly atmosphere that welcomes each and every child into our practice.
Address: 16 School Street, Rye, NY 10580
Phone: 914-967-5735