
Chinese Learning Resources


Resource Description URL Contributed by Updated date
Chinese Culture University - Mandarin Learning Center (MLC) Mandarin Summer Camp 文化大學海外華語夏令營 Camps are four weeks. There are two sessions available beginning in late June. Age: 7-15 洽詢電話:886-2-27005858 分機8131~8136 傳真電話:886-2-27081257 電子信箱:[email protected] 地  址:台北市大安區建國南路二段231號4樓 406辦公室 中國文化大學華語中心 http://mlc.sce.pccu.edu.tw/summer-camp/ Steve Chu 07-07-2021
National Taiwan Normal University Mandarin summer camp 師大華語夏令營 This camp’s registration fills out rather quickly. Camps are four weeks. There are two sessions available beginning in late June. Age: 8-14 Mandarin Training Center師大國語中心 National Taiwan Normal University No. 129, Sec. 1, Heping East Rd., Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C Tel: +886-2-7734-5163 Fax: +886-2-2341-8431 Email: [email protected] http://service.mtc.ntnu.edu.tw/culture/ntnusummercamp/indexen.html Steve Chu 07-07-2021
National Taipei University of Education (NTUE) Chinese Language Education Center (CLEC) summer camp 國立臺北教育大學 暑期海外兒童及青少年華語夏令營 This is a popular language camp. It runs three weeks. There are two sessions available beginning in late June. Age: 6-15 電話:(02)2732-1104 轉82025/82026/83331/83335/ Camp contact: [email protected] https://academic.ntue.edu.tw/files/11-1007-345.php Steve Chu 07-07-2021


Resource Description URL Contributed by Updated date
Convert Pinyin Diacritics Pin1yin1 will automatically be converted to Pīnyīn while you type. https://www.mdbg.net/chinese/webime-pinyin Steve Chu 07-07-2021


Resource Description URL Contributed by Updated date
Stroke Order learning website This website from Taiwan’s Ministry of Education illustrates the order of the character strokes. It can also generate Chinese character writing worksheets. You can also look up Zhuyin and Pinyin. https://stroke-order.learningweb.moe.edu.tw/character_practice.do Steve Chu 07-07-2021