Letter from the Principal 2018

Dear CSSW Families, Staffs and Friends:

At the successful conclusion of the 2017-18 school year, I am happy, as always, to send off our latest batch of graduates as they start the beginning of their extended transition to young adulthood. As with most high school graduates, they are likely to be filled with dreams and ideas of how they might become successful in their lives.

In this regard, I offer them a list of some of the most pernicious obstacles they may encounter in their pursuit of happiness as well as material success:

Why Aren’t You Successful Yet?…

  1. Lack of Patience: Success rarely comes easily or quickly. If you really want something, keep trying and never give up.
  1. Overriding Vanity: Stop comparing yourself with your peers and their material possessions. Who are you really trying to impress?
  1. A Plethora of Bad Habits: Smoking, drinking, gambling, laziness, procrastination, sloppiness…..the list goes on. Bad habits not only result in immediate costs, they lead to other collateral damage including poor health, wasteful repetition, and overall inefficiency.
  1. Absence of Goals: If you don’t know what you want, then you surely won’t know how to get there.
  1. Lack of Preparation: Chance always favors the prepared mind.
  1. Always Looking for the Short Cut: Something worth doing is worth doing well, even if it takes a long time.
  1. Investing in Things You Don’t Understand: Throwing money into something because it is “hot” or because someone you know made money from it will prevent you from being wealthy.
  1. Blind Reliance on Others: The circle of mentors and advisors you surround yourself with will be crucial to your future achievements. Look at their track record, their character and their motivations. Spend time with those you respect and can learn from.
  1. Neurotic Fear of Risk: Sometimes doing what feels safe can be dangerous. Maintain a sense of adventure and keep your doors open.
  1. Ignorance: Historical, cultural, social and financial illiteracy are endemic in our society. Be a lifelong student!

It has been great to have you here at CSSW. Now go out there and conquer the world!

On behalf of our Board of Directors and Staff,

F.J. Chu